Monday, January 20, 2014

Weekend Getaway :)

Earlier this week, Heidi my host mom said that we would be going to the beach for the weekend and for person that has lived in NE her whole life, going to the beach sounds amazing!! And the fact that I had just gone to one the day before, going to the beach 2 days in a row sounds pretty good! So after my day on Friday of being in the sun, I was exhausted. I slept clear until 10:00 which in Lima is hard to do with the sun rise so early, the commotion of construction right outside my window, the numerous car horns ALWAYS going off, the hustle and bustle of people, and these really loud birds. I don't know what kind they are but they are so loud, but I'm probably lucky they haven't flown in my window yet (windows in Peru don't have screens). Heidi & Victor said we would leave around 2 which is okay by me. I do some homework and I get ready for my weekend getaway.

As 2 o'clock rolls around, I have all of my things packed, and I am ready to go so I am anxiously waiting us leaving. Soon enough I realize its 2:30 and Heidi, Victor, and Andrea are napping so I think well maybe they are packed and we're leaving at 3 instead. So I look on Facebook, check my email, check my hair & make-up, check Facebook again, and still no movement. I then proceed to lay down and read for a little and at 3:30 I hear movement and I think YES! we are leaving to go to the beach. Heidi comes in and says we're going to leave in 5 minutes. Needless to say, we walk out of the apartment door at 4:05. :) It has become apparent to me that Peruvian time always means at least an hour late or in this case 2 hours! :) But i can't complain we are on our way to the beach.

We are headed to the beach with Betsy (family friend) and her two little girls Fatima (7 years old) and Romina (3 years old). The drive is a little over a half hour but going through Peru traffic, you best be believing you'll need a stiff drink after! It is crazy. I'm really not sure if they have a posted speed limit or for that matter any laws when driving! :) After about 30 minutes, we arrive to our destination: Playas Las Lagunas. Betsy and her husband have a beach house so that is where we stayed for the weekend. It was very exciting and of course very nice. The beach was absolutely beautiful. The sand was darker but not rocky and the water was perfect. The weekend consisted of reading, relaxing, laying out, eating some Peruvian food (I even tried Ceviche which is fish and I hate fish! I really did not like Ceviche), and drinking their well known drink which is Pisco sours. (These were delicious as well) One thing I do know...Peruvians do know how to party.

Monday morning, we eat breakfast at about 11 and then leave around noon. We are headed back to reality...aka Lima. This time it takes a little over an hour to get back to Lima due to the traffic being so crazy and busy. Since this is their summer, it is very common for most of the people to go to the beach for the weekend and then return on Sunday or Monday. As we are driving, we get stuck in a traffic jam... not only is this a traffic jam but a Peruvian traffic jam. The definition of this is the people don't care how they drive, if they cut you off, or even slightly graze your bumper that's completely normal. I think to myself holy crap, am I ever gonna get back. Soon enough, after the craziness, we pull up to the apartment and we are home. I quickly unpack my things and then time for class. I meet up with the other students at Starbucks and then off to class. This weekend was very relaxing, and I understand how different some cultures are compared to the fast American culture. I miss everyone like crazy, and sometimes I have a meltdown but thanks to my wonderful friends and family, I am doing just fine!
More things about Peru:
     -Meal times are much different: Breakfast varies 9 am-11 am, a HUGE lunch at 2pm-4pm, and coffee & bread for supper at 8pm-10pm
     -Peruvians are very nice people :)

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